Just Two Chicks!

Just Two Chicks!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hold on to Sixteen...

"Hold on to sixteen, as long as you can, changes come along real soon make us women and men."

I remember listening to Jack and Diane way before I was sixteen years of age. Back then, I wondered what was so wonderful about being sixteen. Even when I was sixteen, I wondered then what was so wonderful about it. I guess I didn’t have the typical childhood/teenagehood (Yes, I made this word up!). Anyway, it wasn’t normal, so I look back at those times and am so freakin’ thankful I’m not stuck in that horrible vacuum of the teenage years.

I heard that song today, Jack and Diane that is. It came on the 80’s station. Not sure how I feel about that, but I guess it’s good that it’s called 80’s on 8 and not Oldies but Goodies. That makes me happy. You know, sometimes it’s the little things in life!

1 comment:

Anita said...

I like that song, but just realized that I don't really know what it's about. I can only think of "Oh,yeah - life goes on!" Gotta concentrate of the lyrics the next time I hear it.

By the way, I don't think I'd want to be taken back to any age. I'm doing my time here, and hopefully will be willing to give it up when I get tired - a LONG time from now!:)