Just Two Chicks!

Just Two Chicks!


Thursday, July 5, 2012


This is going to be short...

I have a total of 34 people who might possibly read my posts at times. So you can imagine my surprise when I pulled up my blog list, and saw that my last post had been at least viewed if not read, a total of 69 times... I've looked it over several times to figure out what on earth was so different about this particular post. It is my most viewed post in the history of my blog. Weird... I'll have to go look up the locations of my views.

We're back from vacation! I didn't get a chance to read anyone's posts because I was sick before we left, and I've been crazy busy since we've been back. I'm hoping things will slow down considerably in the next few weeks... I will write posts, and read them as well!!

Thank you to those who read :)

1 comment:

Rob-bear said...

The chances of things slowing down in your life are, as far as I can tell, about the same chances of the proverbial snowball in Hell.

Glad for your readership.