Just Two Chicks!

Just Two Chicks!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

It seems as if...

It seems as if I've made a habit of these quickie blog posts, which is really hard for me. The wife and I are going to see a movie in a bit, so I'm going to make it a point to come back tonight after dinner, kids, and all of the other stuff in between. We just finished reading The Help, and she was so excited, she wants to go see the movie NOW. Have I mentioned she's impulsive at times. This is a good thing! I guess the reason why I even bothered typing this much is because I had just pulled things up to write a new post... Why waste it, right?

Have a great day everyone, and be safe!

1 comment:

Rob-bear said...

I hope you have a fine time at the movie. And a short post is better than no post at all.