Just Two Chicks!

Just Two Chicks!


Friday, June 25, 2010

New Blog info!

I'm starting a new blog to chonicle the making of what I would eventually like to be a documentary. This is an idea that started out small, but has grown the more I think about it. I'm lucky to have my anonymous friend commenter helping me put this together! If you want your name used anonymous, let me know. We'll use it in the DocuBlog! I'm still working on a good name and will let everyone know when I get it up and running. I really hope you'll follow and ask your followers to follow. The good thing about this DocuBlog will be that ALL opinions will be asked for whether they agree with us or not.


Lunar Eclipse said...

I like your rooster photo.

Just Two Chicks said...

Thank you! They were in our yard which I thought was funny since we're literally in the middle of the big city. I found out they belonged to the ladies across the street. I figured the wife was the rooster since she thinks she's the boss! ;)